Thursday, March 7, 2013

Happy 6 months!

Check this out - actual pictures, taken today and on the blog, same day! I don't remember the last time that happened! It certainly hasn't been since this little girl came into our lives 6 months ago today. :)

Where does the time go?

At least she's still a happy, smiley baby, particularly when the attention is on her. If not, then watch out! You'll hear about it.

This month's session was short as she didn't want to sit still for very long. Maddie is definitely taking after her brother with a head of light hair that's slow to grow in, but fortunately she doesn't have quite as strong "male pattern baldness" as Joseph did at this age!

Once again, Maddie was quite interested in her sticker, which didn't stay on her shirt for very long.

This time, though, she managed to get it stuck on her hand, which she started waving around like crazy. (Much like a cat with tape on its paw, if we're being honest here.)

What's a girl to do? Certainly not hand it over to mommy. Nope. Let's eat it!

Ok, that only lasted for about 30 seconds before it started to disintegrate in her mouth. At that point, she was happy to trade for her Tigger.

Mmm, much better.

Maddie has been doing great at sitting up on her own for the last week or two. She's really developed this skill quickly, and can bend over pretty far to grab at toys before she has to catch herself (or fall over).

Raspberries are still lots of fun, and I was glad to be able to capture a few this time around!

Going after a fish toy. She worked really hard at grabbing for it, and never fell over!


At 6 months, Maddie has started eating solid foods every day, and we're well on our way through the spectrum of "real" foods. So far she seems to like bananas best. She isn't anywhere near crawling, and quite frankly I haven't seen her plank or try to army crawl once. She can spin like a top though, and manages to cover a decent amount of ground by rolling and spinning to where she wants to go.

She's still not on a consistent schedule, which at this point may be more my fault than anything. I'm realizing that I was much more diligent at keeping Joseph on a pretty tight schedule, and life now just doesn't allow for that. The trade off is that for every night that she'll sleep from 8 to 6, we have twice as many that requires some help from us at least once during the night. And she doesn't seem like she's going to be giving up a 3rd or 4th nap each day any time soon, although she's getting better at napping for at least an hour each time. 

Her doctor's appointment isn't until later in the month, so I'll update when we have her stats. She's definitely growing, though! She's wearing almost all of her 9 month wardrobe, as she's just too tall for most 6 month outfits.

Happy half birthday Madeline! 

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