Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Look Who's Sitting Up!

Madeline's been taking most of her baths in the big kid tub (sitting in the Bumbo) with Joseph lately. Last night she woke up late from her last nap, so I bathed her in the baby tub. I put her in, and she immediately popped up, and started grabbing like crazy at the bottle warming at the other end. 

She's been doing really well at sitting up unsupported over the last week or two, so I guess we've entered a new baby realm. Although, not surprisingly, she gets seriously worked up when she falls over and no one catches her.

The good news is that she's still completely uninterested in crawling, scooting, etc. She'll spin like a top in her crib, but if you put her on the floor to play, she pretty much stays put. Hooray for still only having one mobile kid!

1 comment:

Ashley Olson said...

I think she was trying to tell you that she is hungry!!! So big!!