Thursday, March 21, 2013

Maddie's Milestones

Big changes have happened since early March for miss Maddie! She seems to have turned a major corner, and for the last 10 days has slept all night, from 7:30-8 pm to 6 or 7 am! Hooray! Since sleeping all night, she dropped one and sometimes two naps a day, as she now takes two longer naps each day. Yesterday her morning nap lasted almost 3 hours! While its been tricky adjusting to her new schedule, she's been a really happy baby and that makes for a happy mom!

The weekend after her 6 month birthday marked another new development- she is fully babbling now. She started making the "Ba," "ya" and "ga" sounds, and yesterday she added a very important one to her repertoire ... "Da"! Needless to say, Joe is thrilled that she babbles dada now. No mama in sight, but it is really cute watching her observe us making sounds for her, as she seriously studies our faces and mouths and tries hard to replicate them.

And this little girl loves to eat! So far she's tried apples, bananas, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, peaches, mangos and carrots, and definitely prefers anything over the green veggies. We have given her puffed cereal foods a few times, but she still isn't really sure about them.

1 comment:

Ashley Olson said...

Yahoo for a great sleeping baby!!!