Wednesday, April 17, 2013

First official trip to the dentist

Yesterday was Joseph's first trip to the dentist! I wasn't sure how the visit was going to go, especially after being diagnosed with a double ear infection the night before, and his hives still going strong. Poor kid. I swear, it was kind of like a page out of Finding Nemo, though - we walked into the office, he spotted their giant salt water fish tank and was immediately thrilled with being there!

The hygenist did a great job of explaning the tools she was using and letting Joseph hold/try them before she started to clean his teeth. He didn't want to lay all the way back, so she just did the cleaning with him sitting most of the way upright.


Joseph was "in charge" of using the suction device, which he thought was pretty cool. The whole visit lasted about 15 minutes, with the dentist's reassurance that everything looks great! So glad we've gotten this milestone out of the way and that Joseph was so cooperative!

1 comment:

Ashley Olson said...

Hooray for clean teeth!! Side note: his feet look huge!