Sunday, July 13, 2014


Last night we went to the pool for a bit. Joseph was very hesitant to swim without the puddle-jumper , but eventually agreed. After convincing him to look underwater with his goggles on, he started to realize he could see and that was really fun for him. All of a sudden, while he had his face in the water he pushed off the floor and started swimming, completely unassisted! I think he surprised himself and shocked us all! We were so excited, as was he, that he continued swimming his own crawl style for the remainder of the night. He even stopped briefly to exclaim "this is so much fun!"  It took a lot of convincing to get him out of the pool. 

We went back this afternoon after he asked to swim, but he was less enthusiastic today and didn't really swim unassisted at all. Hopefully we can keep him working on it as he has his last week of swim class this week!

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