Monday, January 5, 2009

Bringing in the Professionals

What's that, you might ask? Oh, that's just the hole in the attic floor, that goes directly to the kitchen below! The contractor's employee started tearing out the soffit today, which on the garage side of the house, is not exactly finished. When you're standing in the kitchen and look up, you can see through to the roof joists in the attic!
This is a picture from the kitchen looking up. The gold part is the bottom of the soffit, and the gray is vertical across from the actual wall. Since the wall space behind wasn't finished, that's the attic through the hole!
It's a good thing we're not paying by the hour. This is about all the guy got finished today, along with poking about a dozen holes in the soffit on the other side of the kitchen (as shown in the few pictures above). Hopefully tomorrow he'll get the rest of the soffit down and the wall sheetrocked, as the low tonight is supposed to be 19 degrees, and we have all that cold air in the attic pouring into the kitchen!

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