Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Time for painting!

Now that the construction work in the kitchen is finished, we are able to do the final prep work on the walls and ceiling. Joe patched some of the holes and rough spots in the plaster Sunday night, so we sanded everything down last night, added a second patch to spots that needed some additional attention, and painted the ceiling! It's so hard to see where the paint is applying evenly, even with tinted ceiling paint (which we both love, by the way - it goes on pink and dries white, so you can see where you've painted!). Tonight we'll do a final sanding on the walls, wipe them clean, and prime the walls.

We're keeping our fingers crossed that the few extra cabinets we had to order will show up in the next day or two. That way, we'll paint the walls and trim tomorrow and hang cabinets on Thursday and Friday! We're still deciding what type of countertop we want... but we have a couple of days, since no one will make them without taking a template of the installed cabinets. We won't have counters for at least another 1-2 weeks, but we'll be able to load everything back into the kitchen this weekend, if all goes well. Between our new kitchen table that I picked up yesterday and our dining room table, we might actually be able to cook this weekend!

I'll take pictures after everything's primed and looks fresh, so tomorrow you'll be able to see the kitchen finally coming together and looking better, not worse!

1 comment:

Linda said...

How exciting! That house is going to look awesome with all that you guys have put into it!