Sunday, January 18, 2009

Weekend of Work

Well, Joe and our friend, Ben, started hanging the wall cabinets yesterday. Turns out I messed up a measurement (again!) and they cut the rail too short. Although the cabinet is the proper size, I just drew them out on the wall wrong. Which also meant the outlet we installed last week is now in the wrong place! We've had to make some creative changes as we keep installing cabinets, but it's all coming together well. Tonight we have to place the sink and bring the last base cabinet into the kitchen.

Tomorrow the last three cabinets should show up, which I'll assemble while Joe's at work. We also decided to go ahead and splurge on granite counters, as the stone we liked best was actually the least expensive, and the price for the granite installed really wasn't that much more than the laminate we thought we'd be going with. The affordable price, along with the fact that they can come measure and make a template tomorrow and have the counters installed a week from tomorrow made the decision much easier.

We also put the new kitchen table and chairs together last night. The table is really small - only 30" x 30" - but it fits perfectly into the little space we have. Now that the room is starting to come together, I can't wait for it all to be done - it's really coming together nicely! :)

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