Tuesday, March 23, 2010

One Month Stats

We had Joseph's one month checkup yesterday. Everything looks good, the doctor agreed he's growing well and he's still the cutest baby around!:) He now weighs 10 lbs, 11oz, so up almost 2 lbs from his birth weight, which puts him in the 75% percentile. He grew 2 1/4 inches, so he's now 22 1/4 inches long, which also is 75% percentile. His head circumference is 15 inches, and 50% percentile.

He's smiling at us daily and giggling frequently. They aren't always in response to anything, but still adorable. And last night he went 6 hours between feedings - a first! If things just get easier and more fun from here, I'm excited - the newborn phase hasn't been nearly as bad as it could have been, especially because he's usually so calm and easy. We're having lots of fun!


Mom said...

Six hours!!!! You didn't tell me that. That is wonderful!! You must have woke up very well rested!

Grammy-C said...

One month old already! Wow! He sure is not just adorable, but sleeping 6 hrs. through the night is amazing. Believe me, you have no idea how blessed you are. Enjoy every minute. I wish you continued good times and good health for everyone. ~Andrea