Monday, March 8, 2010

This weekend we've done a lot of hanging out with Nana and Papa. Saturday morning we all got up and took the baby to Sharp's for breakfast. He did great; slept through the whole trip while we enjoyed a great meal.  After breakfast, Joe had to go in to the office, so the 4 of us just relaxed at home. Jill made a great dinner of chicken and dumplings, and we spent the evening watching a variety of movies.

Sunday Jill's sister Julie amd her daughter Cayleigh came over to meet Joseph and see Jill and Gary while they are in town. We spent some time outside enjoying the gorgeous 60 degree and sunny day. Sunday night we turned on the Oscars, and Joseph decided to stay awake and alert for the whole first hour of the show. It was the most quiet, calm and alert he's been so far, although there was plenty of yawning mixed in.

Since his umbilical cord is gone, Joe decided to pull out Joseph's baby bathtub for his bath. Seven really seemed to enjoy sitting in the warm water; Six didn't enjoy how much more difficult it was to wash and hold Seven upright, so he went back to getting a sponge bath. We'll pull the tub back out when he's a little bigger with more neck control.

Today Jill went in to work with Joe, and Gary stayed at home with me. After Joseph's lunch feeding, Gary graciously agreed to watch him so I could go run some errands. Today was another beautiful day, so I enjoyed driving around with the sunroof open as I dashed to the bank, Target and Babies'r Us before heading back home.

Gary and I took the dogs and the baby for another walk, and this time I decided to try putting Joseph in his bunting suit to keep warm, even though it's about 60 degrees again. It says it's a newborn, but I'd like to see the giant newborn this was designed for! At least this time we could get his legs to fit partially down; his arms were another story. He definitely didn't seem to mind as he quickly passed out as we left the house and stayed asleep literally until the moment we pulled the stroller into the house. I walked Molly on the leash while pushing the stroller - she did really well and didn't pull too much. I figured it'll be me walking the dogs and baby soon enough, so it was nice to get some practice.

Gary and I are sitting here, waiting for Jill and Joe to get home from work. This is their last night here; we'll be sad to see them leave tomorrow morning - it's been a fun visit!

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