Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More firsts

Sunday afternoon my dad came up to KC to deliver a couple of kayaks, and pick my mom up before heading to the lake for the rest of the weekend. After visiting with grandpa for a bit, Joseph went down for a nap and the grandparents headed out. We were officially on our own (at least until Jill and Gary arrive on Thursday for their visit!). Joe and I spent the afternoon relaxing, and decided that since I was feeling much more like normal and needed a few supplies, we had Ashley and Mikael down to "babysit" Joseph while we took the dogs and walked up to Walgreens, which is a block away. The first official babysitting session was a success - we left them a sleeping baby, and he was still asleep when we got back about 30 minutes later! :)

Shortly after getting back home, it was time for another feeding. I started pumping breastmilk the day before, so that Joe could start taking a night feeding, and to make sure we don't have problems with the baby taking a bottle down the road. Breast feeding has been going really well - absolutely no issues whatsoever, but I was still a little nervous about this big step. Joe took the feeding while I pumped, and Joseph took about 3 oz. in no time at all! The next feeding we were back to business and he didn't seem to have any issues, so although he's only had one bottle of breastmilk so far, we're ready to call it a success.

That night, we decided to try putting Joseph in his crib to sleep, as opposed to having him stay in his pack and play in our room. Thanks to Mike and Linda, we have a monitor that has a voice-activated feature, so it only turns on when there's new noise - backround noise, and little squeaks don't activate it. Joseph didn't seem to have any trouble sleeping in his crib at all - still averaging 3 hour stretches. It took me a bit to fall asleep and wake back up, but I think this system will work well in letting Joe get more sleep during the week since he isn't really able to take any time off.

Yesterday (Monday) Joseph and I settled into our new routine. We spend some time cuddling after his 7-8am feeding while Joe is getting ready for work. By about 10am it's time for another feeding, then down for a nap. I spent most of the "off" time relaxing, playing online and doing some light cleaning. Around 1pm, it's lunch for Joseph, then a nap in his swing, which is still a hit - and he hasn't even figured out the mobile above it yet! 4pm-ish, another feeding, then nap, and I wait for the call from Joe regarding when he'll be home from work and when to start dinner. Last night, Joe was working a little late, so Joseph helped me get dinner ready after his 7pm-ish feeding. By 8pm Joe was home, we ate dinner, and I was in bed by 9pm while Joe spent some cuddle time with Joseph. 10:30pm, another feeding, then attempts to get some sleep before the 1am, 4am and 6:30-7am feedings.

You'll notice I refer to the baby mostly as Joseph. I alternate between calling him Joseph and 7, although Joe mainly calls him 7. I don't know what will stick.

And here are the photo "sessions" from yesterday and today... enjoy!
Cuddling with the blanket great-grandpa Joe sent him!

This morning after our time cuddling.

A common look we get from the little guy.

Enough with the pictures already, mom!

Sound asleep after his mid-morning feeding - check out that perfectly shaped head!

Yet another common "I'm plotting against you while I sleep" look. Still waiting for the umbilical cord to fall off - should be soon!

Back in his swing. I think he may have noticed the mobile, but it certainly didn't hold his attention for longer than this picture!


Linda said...

He looks so adorable and comfy in that swing! And I love his little scrunched up face. I keep trying to look for resemblances, and I think the scrunchy faced one looks like Joe.

Mom said...

THANK YOU FOR THE PICTURES!!! I miss him! He is so cute and handsome! Joseph is getting more and more alert too!! What a cutie pie!

Mom said...

I can't wait to meet him. He's just sooo cute.