Monday, September 13, 2010

Bouncing Baby Boy

Joseph has discovered his ability to bounce now, and loves to do it while someone (or something) is singing to him. It's so cute! He still isn't any more mobile, unless he's on the hardwood floor and on his belly... then he's figured out how to push himself backwards. I think we're still months away from crawling.

He has taken to swinging while sitting straight up and hanging over his swing like a crazy kid - thank goodness for the safety buckle! He doesn't try this on his Little Lamb swing, but he does it on his little chair and in the swing Ashley and Mikael have at their house. It's so funny to watch, so we captured a video...

Even though he's not crawling, he's definitely keeping us on our toes now! Everything within his reach is subject to be grabbed and chewed on, whether it should be or not. Babyproofing the house is our next big parenting step!

1 comment:

Mom said...

SOOOOOOO Cute!!!!! How could he get any cuter?? We miss him dearly!!