Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Learning New Things

Joseph has been really busy lately, practicing eating finger foods and squirming around on his belly. He isn't crawling yet, but he can scoot around backwards. Just in the last few days I've noticed him pushing up onto his hands and knees and starting to rock.... crawling will be here before we know it!

He's also having lots of fun playing with his new big kid toys. He's starting to figure out how to make them sing and turn on.

Eating cheerios, puffs and baby mum-mums are his new favorite thing. He LOVES trying to feed himself. It's amazing how well he's getting - he can now pick up food with his one hand, pick the item off with the other and then put it in his mouth. Of course, many still end up in the bib...

All ready for winter in his new hat and mittens! Grandma and Granpa (yes, that's how he wants it spelled :) ) were in town for the weekend, and went shopping on Monday for new clothes. They've both lost a bunch of weight and needed new clothes. And of course we went along, Joseph came away with this adorable hat and mittens.

1 comment:

Joe VI said...

7 looks like he has Granpa Chris' jaw line in the dark picture right above the bib pictures.