Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Joe's 30th Birthday Party

This weekend was super busy, as we had Joe's 30th birthday and hosted a big party to celebrate. We had about 25 people over all day Saturday, including Joe's dad, who flew in for the event. Joe decided that he wanted to have an all day event, starting at 9am with disc golf, lunch from Oklahoma Joe's (I figured having the meal partially catered was much easier than trying to get drunk men to bbq safely!), beer pong and then drunken frisbee horseshoes. I spent the better part of the day cooking, refilling coolers and chip and dip trays, and making sure things were running smoothly. Everything was going great until mid-afternoon, when I realized that 7 seemed really warm. Turns out, he caught the cold Joe had earlier in the week, and was running a fever of 103 degrees by 5pm! My parents and sister had arrived a few hours earlier, and were happy to help me take care of the baby. We had already planned on having 7 stay with my parents at their hotel room, but his cold made him uncomfortably enough that he didn't nap well all day, and by bedtime he was really feeling badly.

I ordered pizzas for the remaining party-goers and went to the hotel with my parents to try to get 7 situated, before heading back home for Joe's birthday cake, cleaning and packing up to spend the night on the pull-out bed at the hotel. I knew 7 wasn't going to be sleeping well, as he was really congested. He woke a few times during the night, and I ended up letting him sleep next to me after rocking him back to sleep. He was soo surprised when he woke up for good in the morning!

I think Ashley took pictures of the party on my camera, but I haven't checked yet. We had a perfect day, lots of laughs and I am fairly certain that everyone had a blast. 7 even had fun hanging out with all of his grandparents and seeing everyone, even though he clearly wasn't feeling great.

Since Saturday, 7's slowly getting better. He's finally napping during the day again, and as I type is taking his first multiple hour nap in 5 days - much more like his healthy self.

We also had his 6 month check-up yesterday, so he got another round of shots. The shots, along with the cold made for a very unpleasant day yesterday. We were happy to learn that he'd gained almost a pound in the 2 weeks since we'd switched his medicine and upped the amount of food he's getting each day. Hooray!

He's still a tall skinny kid though:
Weight: 15 lbs 7 oz 25% percentile
Height: 27 1/2 inches 75-90% percentile
Head: 17 inches 50% percentile

Hopefully he'll continue to put on weight. Otherwise we're going to have issues this fall, as his 6-9 month pants are just right in length, but completely fall off because his waist and butt are too small to keep them up! :)

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