Sunday, January 2, 2011

Baby's First Christmas

As promised, here's a bunch of pictures from Christmas. I know I'm biased, but come on, isn't he the most adorable baby you've ever seen???

 Our family has a tradition where we have to sit at the top of the stairs when we're ready to go see what Santa brought us. My dad has to check it out first, and get the video camera ready, so we can take our annual family pictures. Joseph took the opportunity while waiting for a slow Aunt Ashley to eat a banana... he must have been hungry as he didn't share any of it with any of the 4 dogs waiting anxiously for a piece.
 His first train! Grandpa and Grandma found a country store near their lake house that sells a variety of homemade foods, produce, meats, etc, and also has a small selection of cedar toys hand carved by a local Amish man...who only has one hand! I have no idea how he manages to do such incredible work, but this train is adorable. I think Joseph's favorite part was the plastic tiger that came with the train.

Joe and I saved half of the toys we received earlier this year from Fisher Price (from the free house party we had to host in exchange) and were really excited about giving him this toy - a dino walker/rider, very similar to Joe's old chicken he had as a kid.

We also made sure, at this point, to show him the beauty of wearing bows on your head at Christmas... he even kept it on for a lot longer than I expected.
 Of course, we forgot that a lot of toys require adult assembly, so Dad went to work putting the dino together while Joseph watched.
 Notice the smile as he's standing up? He figured it out immediately, and didn't fall over very often at all! I think it was just the right time developmentally, as he's pulling up and cruising all over the furniture at home, but not quite ready to take his own independent steps.

 Then of course we had to try it out as the riding toy, which he got a big kick out of, too.
 Ashley and Mikael gave Joseph a musical activity table, an activity walker/wagon and Cardinals outfit.
 Aunt Jennifer gave him a rocking horse, a sit and spin, a Radio Flyer riding rocket ship, some cute Christmas slippers, and even a Santa jacket, although the last two came with instructions that they are for future kids to share too!
 Besides the wooden train, Joseph also got a bunch of bath toys, bubble machine, books and a beautiful needlepoint Christmas stocking and ornament that my mom had been working on all year.

Here are the pictures from sledding with Daddy on the 26th.

Now it's time for more snow so Joseph can go play again!

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