Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sharing with his dog

We finally got our replacement camera battery charger, so now I can catch you up! Hooray!

As we've mentioned many times before, we are SO lucky that Molly is super around Joseph. Last week she gave us another prime example of just how well behaved she can be, without much prompting. (sometimes!) Joseph was eating some graham crackers, and as she usually does, Molly was close by, watching the crackers carefully.

Joseph decided to "share" and crawled over, place one cracker on Molly's paws, and started playing with his toys next to her.
 Molly's reaction? She just looked up at me, with those sad eyes, and didn't hardly move. Joseph must have decided she needed more prompting to eat, and so came back over and left another few crackers on her paws, closer to her mouth. She seriously sat there for a few minutes, just waiting for me to tell her it was ok to eat them! What a good dog!
 Last week we also finally installed Joseph's new convertible car seat. It had been sitting in the living room for a couple of weeks, and Joseph loved climbing up into it. He couldn't figure out the mechanics of getting back off it though, so he'd stay put and fuss until I'd pull him back off.
He has loved car rides in the new seat! He sits upright and so much higher, so even though he's still rear facing, he can look out the window and see a lot more of what's going on around him. There's still plenty of capacity on the baby car seat, but especially this time of year with all of his layers on, he was really starting to get cramped. We have to fiddle with the seat positioning, though, as it's still tilted too far forward, so when he falls asleep his poor little head slumps forward. A few more adjustments and we should be good to go for a while!

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