Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Uh Oh...

Today was a day of mixed emotions. The bathroom is finally finished, hooray! But that means now the hard finishing work begins, between sanding and painting all of the trim, priming and painting the hallway, dining room and those ceilings, and repainting the bathroom. We also have to seal the grout on all the tile, which will definitely take a while.

To start on all this work, and since the workers did an awesome job cleaning the whole house, I decided that during the day I'd move back in and work while Joseph napped. I had to run a few errands after he got up from his morning nap, including buying a new-to-us stroller for our upcoming trips, including to Disneyland (so excited about this!!) and so I didn't have much time to let him play back at home before his nap. I guess 6 1/2 weeks away from your real home and real bed is like a lifetime to a little guy, as he wanted NO part in napping in his crib! After about 30 minutes of serious crying (and me making about a half dozen trips moving stuff down from the attic to the basement) I gave in, packed him up and took him back to Ashley's house. I guess that's all he needed, as he fell right to sleep!

After he got up, I decided to test out the child care center at a community center we're thinking about joining. Other than leaving Joseph with friends and family, I've never left him by himself before, and I was kind of curious as to how it would go. After dropping him off, I went upstairs to run 3 monotonous miles around an indoor track, where 1 lap = 1/10 mile. I finished, stretched, did some ab exercises and went back down to fetch the little guy. While the daycare workers said he didn't cry at all, he was seriously fussy when I peeked in the door and immediately crawled over and grabbed onto me once I walked in the door. I'm sure he was just tired and hungry, and hope next time will be better - I really enjoyed being able to do something other than workout videos to exercise!

When we got home, on 4 separate occasions, he crawled over to me, stopped about a foot away, and then stood up completely unassisted and gave me this big goofy grin, like, hey, check me out! He's still not walking by himself, but this new move makes me think we're getting closer and closer!


Mom said...


Joe VI said...

And you were worried about leaving him with strangers...