Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Attic Update

Every day it's amazing how much progress the crew is making at the house. Tonight I stopped by, and the HVAC guys had been there, installing ductwork in the ceiling space, and taking out some of the existing ductwork from the bedroom. Hopefully now that we'll have a unit for each floor, they'll both be more efficient at heating and cooling the spaces, and the first floor will be more comfortable than it has been in the past.

Other than the space where the arches are opening up in the first floor, I think it's safe to say that the demo work is finished. Today they installed the new floor joists over the garage, since the existing joists weren't sufficient to support any weight.

The rafter ties are installed in the bathroom and closet space, along with the outside walls. It's fun seeing the space take shape! The picture below is the south end of the house - I'm standing at the top of the staircase looking south.

The large ductwork running the length of the house to supply heat and cold air was installed today.
 Most of the rough plumbing that will be in the floor is finished. The shower and sink faucets and valves I ordered are supposed to show up tomorrow, so as soon as the walls of the shower are framed in we'll see that space take shape.
The floor joists under the window are three deep to support the weight of the new cast iron pedestal tub that will be sitting under the window. If only we had a better view! 

Current views looking north. The new windows have arrived, so I imagine those will get installed soon. There are framers and the plumber/electrician working at the same time, so I imagine after the rough plumbing is finished, they'll get started on the electrical. We also have some structural enhancements to make in the basement that should be happening soon.

And in Joseph news, he is definitely liking walking! About 85% of the time he wanted to move around today, he'd get there on his feet! He gets so excited, squawking and squeaking.

One of the things I was dreading with him getting older was having to transition away from bottles to sippy cups. However, like everything else he does, Joseph made it super easy on us. Over the last few weeks, he's been refusing his bedtime bottle, and was really fussy in the mornings when we'd give him a bottle. I decided to see if switching over to formula in a sippy cup would work, and it's been great! I think now that he has the cup, he's actually drinking more each day than when we'd use bottles with the cups. So the bottles have been packed up... sniff, sniff. :)

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