Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First Hair Cut

The little guy's hair has been growing like crazy, particularly in the front and back. The sides are still filling in, but his "bangs" were almost down to his eyebrows in spots, and I've been trying to keep him from a baby mullet for a few months as the back just keeps growing and growing.

So we  I decided it was definitely time for his first real hair cut. On Friday Joe didn't have any scheduled appointments, and had planned to work from home. By early afternoon, he was done pretending to get work done, so we headed to a Fantastic Sam's nearby.

We had a short wait, during which time Joseph cruised around the waiting room and hammed it up with the other people waiting for their turn. Finally, we got called up and it was time to put on the smock. We weren't sure what he was going to think, and because he's still too little for the booster seat he sat on Daddy's lap for the whole haircut.

 The stylist did a great job of working quickly and trying to keep Joseph happy. We were surprised at how well he did - he wasn't squirmy hardly at all!

He did particularly well when he could watch what was going on in the mirror. And I'm sure it helped that Joe was able to hold him still when necessary.

 All done and cleaned up! It's certainly not the best cut ever, but very good for the little guy's first time. Except I hate how old it makes him look! He doesn't look like a shaggy baby anymore, but definitely more like a little boy. Sniff, sniff. :(

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