Friday, February 11, 2011


Tonight Joe gave Joseph a super long bath. Wondering what was going on in there, I peeked my head in to see what was going on. Turns out, Joe was teaching Joseph how to blow bubbles in the water, and they both were having a crazy good time. Joseph was laughing so hard I had to grab the camera and video a bit of them laughing and playing. Their laughter was infectious!


Lisa C said...

I think I was laughing as hard as 7on that one! His laugh is so infectious. I especially likes when he laughs just in anticipation of blowing bubbles. so cute.

Unknown said...

This has got to be the cutest video ever. His laugh is just so cute.

Linda said...

So cute! His laugh is hilarious! I can't wait to see you guys!

Mom said...

I watch this at least twice a day!!! It makes you feel so good!!!! He is adorable!!!!!!