Monday, February 14, 2011

A Walking Little Fool

Our little crawler has turned into a daredevil walker. While he still crawls over half the time he's trying get anywhere, within the last day or two, he's become much more confident in his walking abilities and will stop crawling a few feet from whatever he's headed toward to stand up and walk the rest of the way. Tonight after Joe got home from work, Joseph was walking around almost exclusively. Until Joe pulled out his camera to try and capture it. Luckily, I was able to catch a bit of the action before bathtime. He still has a long way to go before being steady on his feet, but he's getting so much better!


Linda said...

Impressive that he stands up so easily on his own! I was recently watching an early walking video of Ethan and he fell down, crawled to a wall, and pulled himself up.

Joe VI said...

He started doing that after Lauren took him to the daycare at the gym for the first time. Later in the day he crawled up to Lauren, stopped, stood up, and just looked at her with a very proud look on his face.