Sunday, August 19, 2012

Enjoying Abnormally Cool August

After a July full of 100+ degree temps, August has been surprisingly cool! Lately the average highs are in the 70s and 80s, with only a few days in the 90s. So strange, but I'm not going to complain!

On Monday we hosted a playdate at our house, so I'd have a good reason to clean the whole house and have an incentive to try and keep things clean. Joseph had a blast playing with everyone - he asks daily to play with friends, regardless of what our plans are.

At my doctor's appointment, we learned that there'd been no change or progress over the past week. Boo. I'm really trying to not get too excited about counting down the days, especially knowing how likely it is that she'll go overdue, but it's hard!

Thursday was supposed to be really nice, so Joseph and I headed down to the Deanna Rose Children's Farm. By the time we made it there, it was already getting close to lunchtime, so we weren't able to explore too much. Usually Joseph wants to see the cows and chickens first, so that's where we spent the bulk of our time.

He saw everyone feeding the baby goats, and asked to feed them too. He's never enjoyed it before, but I figured it had been awhile, so I went ahead and bought a bottle.

He was a really good sport for the first minute or two, until he got swarmed by the baby goats. I think the ones that came up from behind and started chewing on his shirt really tipped him over the edge, and he quickly dropped the bottle, started crying all done and attempted to climb up me to get away from the goats! He eventually calmed down and watched me finish feeding the goats, but really wanted no part in touching them.

The farm has this little train made out of barrels right at the entrance, and Joseph always loves playing on it. His imagination is growing like crazy, so he spent a lot of time telling me all about driving the train, where he was going, where I needed to sit and go for a ride, etc. It's so fun seeing what things this little guy will dream up!

Finally, we spent a solid 15 minutes just watching the chickens in the coop! Ever since the run, when we talk about chickens, he starts to do the chicken dance. On Thursday, the chickens were rather vocal, and I think Joseph was just mesmerized watching them cluck, eat, walk around and hop up into their roosting boxes.

And this was just too cute not to post -

Joseph is really getting good at remembering to not take his shorts and undies all the way off when he goes to the bathroom, but it does happen every once in a while. Usually he'll just run around bottomless, till I catch him and dress him, but as he's becoming more independent, he's started to try to dress himself. Thursday night was one such occasion - he came proudly into the kitchen while I was making dinner to show me he'd gotten both his undies and shorts on, all by himself! I think he realized that something wasn't quite right, but he was too excited to let me help him fix the fact that his undies were on backwards and he was only through one leg hole. Joe and I just spent the night chuckling at him as he ran around the house, tugging at his shorts but insisting we not help him!

The forecast for the next week gets closer to normal, with highs in the upper 80s and low 90s, but I'm hopeful we'll be able to get our morning walks and some outside playtime in. My next doctor's appointment is on Tuesday; I've had a lot more contractions this weekend and more pressure, so I'm hoping to hear that something has changed. We'll see!

1 comment:

Ashley Olson said...

He is so adorable!!! Looks like he got a haircut! He is starting to look so grown up!!