Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Fishies and Inching Closer

Today was my weekly doctor's appointment, and I'm not thrilled to report there hasn't been any change since last week. We started to talk induction dates, as my doctor's headed out of town for the holiday this weekend, but Joe and I decided that it would be best to just wait until my due date passes to actually schedule an induction, and hopefully Joseph will be closer to healthy in a few more days.
Today's the first day he hasn't run a high fever, but because his lungs were starting to sound congested, she went ahead and prescribed some medicine that will hopefully help clear things up. He's been noticeably happier today, eating a bit more and even asking for ice cream when we stopped for some tonight to celebrate Joe's birthday. I'm hopeful that we've turned the corner on the horrible sickness, and that he really will be doing much better by the weekend.
This past weekend we ended up replacing the small fish bowl that Joe had set up for Joseph on Monday. The goldfish they bought together Monday night didn't last through the night, but with Joseph feeling so poorly, we hadn't made it out to replace the fish. And instead of just getting a betta or something, Joe decided that a 10 gallon tank, complete with a pump, heater and lights would be a better solution for keeping fish alive. Which it probably is, but not what we had initially decided on.
Joseph picked out 5 small fish on Sunday, and so far, they're all doing great! He's having lots of fun watching them and helping to feed them.

 Joe "helped" pick out the tank decorations; although Joseph was insistent that his fish tank needed a fire engine statue so that one was non-negotiable. Luckily, the tank runs really quietly and doesn't seem to disturb Joseph when he's sleeping.

I also spent the last few days finishing up my last pre-baby sewing project that has been on the list for months now. Having a toddler who coughs non-stop but wants to be around babies all the time made it seem much more important to make the car seat canopy I didn't have when Joseph was a baby. Back then, we would just drape a blanket over the car seat and it worked fine, except when it was windy. I opted to make one this time around, and while there are plenty of tutorials online about making a basic cover, I couldn't find one that explained how to install the zipper properly. So I winged it. And made a number of mistakes along the way, but I'm still happy with how it turned out and it definitely was a good project for learning more sewing skills.

Finally, we went ahead and bought a double stroller this weekend as well! Joseph, Molly and I have really been enjoying our daily walks (Molly most of all!) and I realized that I didn't want to rely on Joseph walking next to me the whole time, or having to wear a newborn while pushing Joseph and holding onto a leash. So we had planned on waiting a few months before getting a stroller, but found the one we wanted on sale at a local store and just went for it.  It's actually not a whole lot bigger than the BOB, and folds flatter. Hopefully we'll like it and it'll fit our needs, as I'm hopeful we won't need to buy another stroller for a long, long time!

So we're all ready to go for baby sister, whenever she decides to make her debut. I'm typing this at almost 9pm on Joe's birthday, so it looks like we don't have to worry about him sharing a birthday with this kiddo!

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