Monday, February 25, 2013

5 month pictures

Once again, I'm super late on posting these. I guess that's just going to be an ongoing trend, but at least I'm still taking them on time!

Miss Madeline is now 5 1/2 months old and getting cuter every day. She still naps 4 times a day, usually taking one longer nap in the afternoon (anywhere from 1-2 hours) and eats like she's never going to be fed again. This month she's turned into a tummy sleeper, and we've noticed a correlation in the length of her asleep periods, so hooray! Never fear, she's still not consistently sleeping through the night, though. In general she goes to bed around 8 pm, and may wake once for help recovering her pacifier in the middle of the night. On a good night, she wakes up to eat around 5am then goes back to bed for another hour or two. We've started back on solid foods, and she seems to be enjoying that. 

She loves watching her feet, and frequently ends up falling over while trying to get to them. She's still super crazy about her big brother and absolutely loves watching him and having him play with her. She's getting better at sitting upright with some help and doesn't mind being on her tummy when playing, but still hasn't shown any interest in crawling (yay!).

She's also developed a funny habit that's giving us a peek at her future behavior... whenever she starts to get upset, hungry, eager, etc, she quickly pants, loudly, just like a dog. If we simply acknowledge her, she'll usually groan and just stop, but if not, it escalates into shrieks. This girl knows what she wants and how to get it, that's for sure!

Her feet were going non-stop at the end of these photos, and I liked this picture with them both blurry, to capture her in constant motion. Those little feet are still constantly kicking!

Maddie seems to be teething now, and loves to chew/gnaw on just about anything. I really hope she doesn't cut teeth too soon, as I'll miss her gummy grins!

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