Tuesday, February 12, 2013

First Foods

A few weeks back (the weekend after we got home from Orlando), we started Maddie on rice cereal. We noticed she was really interested in watching us eat, and since she's already a big baby, we were hoping that her night waking issues might be related to her just being hungry.

She was a good sport and seemed really interested in the whole process, but wasn't sure what to make of the spoon. 

 She was also pretty good about opening her mouth for the spoon, at least initially. And when we'd perform for her, so really she was giggling at us and giving me an opportunity to get it in her mouth!

Joseph was somewhat interested in the process, but I think the concept of his baby eating "cereal" really confused him, especially since it doesn't look anything like what he's used to. He just hovered close to keep an eye on things for us.

I love this last picture - her expression says it all!

Her tongue thrust reflex was still pretty strong, so the whole solid food process has been very on again, off again. We also learned that while she doesn't seem to have any allergic reactions to rice or oatmeal (we started that last week), it seems to give her bad reflux for a day or so after eating, and it's definitely been making her a bit stopped up. So instead of sleeping better, she ends up uncomfortable and sleeps worse, which is definitely not good!

We're taking this week off entirely, and will maybe start back up next week with the oatmeal again. She seems to be really getting the hang of eating off the spoon, and has gotten incredibly grabby when we hold her while eating our own food. Soon she'll be eating alongside the three of us... maybe that will help keep Joseph on pace when he's eating!

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