Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Madeline is such a happy baby these days! She loves bath time, and has become good friends with a Piglet toy Mimi and Papa bought her at Disney World. His arms are just the right space from his ears for grabbing on to, and those ears are mighty yummy!

She spends about half of the time bathing with Joseph and the rest in the sink by herself. She isn't sitting up reliably on her own yet, so we aren't quite ready to take her out of the tub, but she's getting close to being too big already!

Just a cute Valentine's Day picture after visiting with some residents at a nearby nursing home with our Mom's group. Joseph was sound asleep for his nap, which is why we didn't get any pictures of him too.

Just recently, Madeline has started to be able to grab the toys on the rocking chair, and has figured out how to pull the cord to make the ladybug play its song! Usually Joseph will "help" her play with the toys, so it caught me off guard to hear the song and realize that Joseph wasn't in the same room. Maddie's getting so big!

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