Saturday, July 28, 2012

5 Weeks to Go!

Since it's been awhile since I've posted a baby bump picture, here you go, although this was taken last week, when I was at 34 weeks:

So far I'm still feeling pretty good. My energy levels have been pretty good, and while I don't get great sleep at night, I don't usually have to get up multiple times which is nice.  Luckily the sciatic nerve pain I had with Joseph hasn't been nearly as bad during this pregnancy, and only flares up occasionally. Instead, I frequently have dull back pain and numbness in my right leg, usually when I start to walk around after sitting for a bit. I've also had lots of contractions already, but nothing regular or consistent. While I still have 5 weeks to go, as of my doctor's appointment this week I had gained about 30 lbs so far, which is more than I'd like, but still way less than where I was with Joseph at this same point, so I'm not complaining (too much). Of course, having a birthday this week has thrown a wrench in my slow and steady weight gain! Oh well.

I quit jogging during week 33, as it was just not comfortable and I was alternating between walking and jogging anyway. I've taken to going for 30-60 minute morning walks 4-5 days a week instead, always with Molly and sometimes with Joseph if I wait late enough in the morning.

The nursery is coming along nicely; all major items should be finished this weekend, with just a few finishing touches left to complete. While I'm ready to be done being pregnant, I'm not mentally ready for a second kid and keep telling myself I have plenty of time to take care of the final details, like washing baby clothes, cleaning and installing the infant car seat and generally remembering what life will be like with a newborn again!

1 comment:

Ashley Olson said...

You look fantastic ! And it is so great that ur still so healthy and active!!! Can't wait for baby #2!!!