Thursday, July 5, 2012

Loving My Two Year Old

Don't get me wrong, Joseph has plenty of moments that make me want to trade him in on this year's model and start over. Then I remind myself that he's just two and testing me a lot. And more frequently than not, he gives me plenty of glimpses of just how amazingly sweet he is.

Case in point:

While it took over 2 years for Joseph to start saying "I love you" to us, his new favorite game to stall at naptime/bedtime is to quickly respond, "I love you too!" as I'm walking out of the room, so that I'll turn around and tell him I love him, thus starting a round of "I love yous," which I am happy to give him a few more seconds of time and relish his giggles as he thinks he's getting away with an awesome stall tactic. Which he is.

Another example:

Lately he's been more interested in baby sister, especially since Mason was born last week and Joseph has seen his crib and rocking chair set up in the new upstairs nursery. Instead of showing no interest in my belly, he'll climb up next to me, pull up my shirt and tell baby sister it's time to wake up and give my belly a kiss (since he'll "wake" us up by kissing us). He'll then promptly put his hand on my belly where he kissed, and if he doesn't her kick, he'll give me this confused look and let me know that he kissed baby sister and she didn't wake up, and do it again. Like a true big brother, sometimes he'll push a bit on my belly, as if to say, "hey in there, I gave you a wake up kiss, play along!" Usually she'll respond after a few tries, and he seems to enjoy feeling her move. He'll finish up their hang out session by hugging my belly, and runs off to continue playing. Could he be any more sweet?

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