Saturday, July 28, 2012

Baby Sister's Name

We're down to a shorter list of first names for baby sister, and since everyone keeps asking, we figured we'd throw them out there for you to see (and vote on, if you'd like). Keep in mind, too, that we probably will have nicknames from the formal name, ie Alex for Alexandra, as Joe (and Joseph) think most of them are too long with too many syllables. We each have our favorites, and Joseph's top choice, Bobaloo, didn't make the survey list. Sorry kiddo! We probably won't make the final choice until she's here, but thought you'd enjoy seeing where we are with the names and providing input that may or may not be considered! :)


Lisa C said...

I love Caroline and Samantha, but they're all great! We have two cousins named Alex, but at least we know Alex Jeppson sounds good :)

Lauren said...

Lisa, that's what I keep trying to tell Joe... especially since the older Alex may want to name his kid Alex as well!