Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Back to 2 Hands

Well, at our doctor's appointment this morning, we discovered that there's no change in my progress. Boo. She's still optimistic that he'll come on his own and she won't need to induce, but we went ahead and set another weekly appointment for next Tuesday. She did say things were favorable if we wanted to go ahead and be induced, even before then, but Joe and I figured it's best to wait at least another week to see if I go into labor naturally. Joe's books fill up about a week out and we were hoping to set something that would work best for his schedule, so we confirmed that we could schedule the induction for a week from this Friday, when I'd be 41 weeks exactly. So at least we know that at some point within the next 10 days, we'll have a baby! Here's hoping it doesn't come to that.

Back to waiting...


Linda said...

It's lame having another appointment when you're supposed to have a baby! I was so behind on signing up for a labor class that I attended mine on my due date...I guess Ethan knew I wasn't prepared.

Nicole said...

I know you're anxious, but try to enjoy this last period before your life changes dramatically forever! :) Don't worry about being induced -- I was induced with my last pregnancy when I went over and it went so great. Good idea to give yourself a little more time to see if it happens naturally too. He's so cozy in there!