Monday, February 1, 2010


Last week, the Dr. refused to say the word, "early." She said that given Lauren's progress, that she did not expect him to be late, but would not say early.

At the Dr. today, Lauren was almost 100% effaced. I guess that made the Dr. comfortable enough to declare that he should be here this week.

At our baby classes, one of the neat things that we learned is that a surge in the nesting instinct can be an indication of impending spontaneous labor. Often, moms will get an urge to clean and organize the day before she goes into labor.

Lauren just IMed me to let me know that in the last 3 hours since I dropped her off, she has cleaned out the garage, organized the basement and cleaned out her car. She is on her way to vacuum it out and get it washed.



Lisa C said...

That's it, I'm going to need a cross stitch all nighter, or 5. Good luck!!! I'll be checking your blog compulsively :)

Mom said...

Ok, I am ready too!! Just don't forget to call. I won't be a pest, I promise!!! I will need enough time to get the dogs taken care of!!