Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Single Digits!

I can hardly believe we've made it to single digits! Now that we have a snow storm headed our way tomorrow night, and another early next week, I'm assuming the baby will decide to come in a few days, right in the middle of the snowy mess. We'll just have to wait and see!

All of this nesting and subsequent cleaning is starting to rub off positively on Joe, which is great! I don't think our house has ever been this clean for this long. I'm doing the last little bits today, with washing pillows and our comforter, since both needed to be done. Also, I've been feeling like eating pumpkin bread, so I made a batch this morning. I have to use up a few perishable ingredients, so I'll probably spend some more time baking this afternoon.


Lauren said...

I bet he does come in all the snow you'll be getting over the next few days! I've heard that weather changes fill up labor and delivery. :)

Mom said...

I am getting excited!!! He will be here before we know it. And yes, the bad weather usually does bring babies on! Let's hear it for a big snowfall!!!!