Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Home Sweet Home

*this is the post I wrote on Sunday, so sorry for the delay...more pics below! 

Today has been a big day for little Joe. We had a typical newborn night, with a bunch of feedings, some sleeping for dad, a little less for baby, and very little for me. Part of that is my own fault... this baby is just so incredibly cute and cuddly! As is par for the course this winter, we are in the middle of another bad storm today, that started out with lots of rain late last night and some big snowflakes, turning into freezing rain, ice, sleet and more snow all day today. We were concerned about being discharged during the worst of it, so our doctor made sure to swing by in the morning to check us out. A little miscommunication between us and the nurses delayed us a bit, so by about noon we were finally packed up and ready to head for home. Except the nurses and lactation consultant recommended I have a breast pump on hand, which I didn't, and we didn't want to be stuck in a snow storm needing to get out. So we quickly swung by Babies R'Us to pick up a pump, a mirror for the car to see his carseat, and a new baby gate that Joe had wanted to get. Being the paranoid brand new mom, I was hesitant to even bring the baby in, but we were in and out in under 10 minutes. So the little guy has already had his first shopping trip, and did really well - no fussing or anything!

We headed straight home, showed the baby his room, and got him all set to have his first meal in his own room. He is usually really alert while feeding, and while I know he can't focus on the images, he seemed really entralled by the big yellow boat and red dogs on the wall right behind our nursing chair. My family came over around 3 to visit, and the baby's been great with taking long naps, feeding on a somewhat regular schedule, and we haven't had any real issues (knock on wood!) with him breast-feeding. All in all, our first couple have days have been great!

I'm doing well - not on pain meds, and moving around slowly, but it's getting easier. I took my first post-delivery shower last night and was amazed at how much better I felt. We'll see how this week goes as we figure out life as the parents of a newborn!
 Dad's first diaper change
The attorney work product t-shirt Joe made for little Joe. He's definitely our biggest success thus far!

In the carseat waiting to go home!


Lisa C said...

did you do the shirt with freezer paper? He is darling with lighter hair than I would've expected! Glad everyone got home safely!

Joe VI said...

iron on letters. ;)