Monday, February 8, 2010

Every Day

So for those who have commented that the frequency of our posting leaves something to be desired, I'd like to point out that we've been much better lately - at least one post every day so far in February! :) Of course, it's much easier when there's something to talk about... or not.

My job is a Tuesday-Saturday job, so I have Mondays off. The last few I've gone to work with Joe so I'm not sitting at home bored, but have decided in case I do go into labor, I'd rather be at home than trying to deal with contractions and being pleasant around his clients. So today, with the little bit of snow we've had, I'm stuck inside. And very bored.

Joe and I decided that one of the dogs, probably Molly, needed to step up and be useful. There's seeing eye dogs, service dogs that detect if someone's about to have a seizure, why not dogs who detect when labor will start? We've tried to convince her to work some magic and convince the baby to come, but so far she's failing in her new "labor dog" duties.

Tomorrow morning is our 39 1/2 week doctor's appointment. I guess we'll find out if all of the contractions I've been having this week have resulted in any more progress, and determine when she wants to start talking about an induction date, if it comes to that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Does Molly know she is the Labor Dog? I am sure she will take her job seriously. Did you tell her she would get a bunny for a reward? That might work.. Don't get frustrated, he will be here, just not as soon as you would like. Once here, you will forget just how anxious you were. He is a miracle and a gift from above!!