Thursday, February 25, 2010

The little guy is still doing great. He's eating every 2-3 hours, with a couple of 3-4 hour stretches every once in a while. We're still figuring out our evening schedule, and Joe's been a big help trying to stay up till midnight or later so I can get to sleep early, while I take the rest of the night shifts. My mom is staying with us to help out, which really has been great for everyone (dogs included - they're going to gain 5 pounds each with the number of treats they're getting!).

We put baby Joe in his swing for the first time yesterday, and it was a great success. He was quiet and alert for a while, before dozing off and staying asleep for over 3 hours! We also introduced him to his Fisher Price seahorse, which I guess is the updated version of the GloWorm. It plays music and the belly lights up, and he seemed intrigued by it.

I swear I'm not as tired as I look! This is from this morning, along with the seahorse picture. I finally got a few hours of sleep and feel much more like a normal person today. I know the next few weeks are going to be rough, but it's so worth it when I get to be with this precious baby!


Nicole said...

He is so cute -- he looks like a little doll himself in that picture of him with the seahorse. You're so lucky you can have your mom there helping you.

Mom said...

He just gets cuter and cuter. I'm glad your mom is there to help out, that's awesome!